Monday, January 19, 2009

The Tooth Fairy

So here it is, 4:00am. I'm awakened by my son, who happened to be sleeping with me . "Mom, I've lost my tooth". My first coherant thought was, thank goodness he hadn't swallowed it or choked on it. I have a terrible fear of choking, stemming back to grade 6 when I choked on an orange during lunch. My second thought was, "great, what do I have for change in the house?" Quick calculations told me I didn't have enough for lunch money for two kids plus a visit from the Tooth Fairy. It never fails, their teeth come out whenever Mom happens to have no change. Guess she must have already gone by our house. Of course he was disappointed in the morning. Last time he lost a tooth, he thought she forgot him but it turned out that he must have moved it through the night as I found the shiny toonie on the floor behind his bed. ok ok, I'll fess up... I had no coin, so when we got home from bowling I snuck in hs room, grabbed the tooth and shoved the coin to the floor. Imagine my surprise when it turned out she hadn't forgotten him at all!!
We don't know a whole lot about her really... like... where does she live? We all know Santa lives at the North Pole but what about the Tooth Fairy, even the Easter Bunny? I have no idea why she would ever want children to put the tooth under their pillow so she would have to delicately reach under when they are sleeping without waking them. "Hello.. Tooth Fairy.. the night stand would have been much easier to negotiate don't ya think? " Those baby teeth are sure worth a lot more today then when I was a kid too! In my day we got 25 cents, now they get a toonie. Why aim for an allowance when you can just wiggle out a tooth. Speaking of money, here's the biggie...... where does she get all these coins ?
Well , I'm off to ponder some answers to these questions in case I get asked in the morning when he wakes up and finds his money.

1 comment:

  1. To help answer all your son's questions, the Tooth Fairy just so happens to Blog!! So, see, it's not so "gay" as your other son thought. LOL!!
    Enjoy!! :)
